Keto Sandwich Bread
Your go-to sandwich champion. Firm crust, soft center, lightly sweet and super sliceable. With 100% clean ingredients your next meal just got an upgrade. Our Keto Sandwich Bread supports your Keto, Low-Carb, High-Protein and Vegan diet without compromising on flavour.
All our Bready Mix products are KETO Certified by the Paleo Foundation, as well as licensed by the trusted seal of Food Created by Doctors & Chefs.
Ingredients: Protein mix (wheat protein, soy protein, lupine protein), Soy grits, Soy bran, Sugar (sucrose from sugar beet), Oat fibre, Salt, Sunflower lecithin, Yeast. Allergy Information: May contain egg and milk.
Ingrédients: Mélange de protéines (protéine de blé, protéine de soja, protéine de lupin), Gruau de soja, Son de soja, Sucre (saccharose de betterave sucrière), Fibres d'avoine, Sel, Lécithine de tournesol, Levure. Informations sur les allergies: Peut contenir des œufs et du lait.
Baking Instructions
Mix: Combine Bready Mix Sandwich (13 OZ / 369g) with 1 1/3 cups (320ml) of HOT tap water. Mix for 10 minutes with a mixer at low. Once complete, dough should come out smooth and firm.
Rest: Preheat your oven to 100° F – 150° F. Place dough in a NON-stick loaf pan (approx. 9x4x3’’ size) or for artisanal loaf, shape dough round as a ball. Ensure NO air pockets or cracks are seen from outside. Cover with a kitchen towel and transfer on a parchment lined wire rack. Let it rest inside your preheated oven for 30 mins. Dough should grow in size.
Bake: Remove kitchen towel and heat oven up to 375° F. Fill an ovenproof container such as a baking tin or a mug with hot water and place inside the oven. Bake it for 30-35 mins until the top is brown and crusty. Remove it from oven, take out of loaf pan and let completely cool down on a wire rack. GUTEN APPETIT!
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